Fast and Forward: The Unique Learning Curve of Consultants
In the pool of all applicants, consultants stand out with their high levels of curiosity and ability to learn. Specifically, results from personality tests show that consultant applicants are on average 8% more curious and 12% more capable of learning than the average applicant. These findings reflect the consulting industry's demand for individuals who are not just intelligent but are also eager to explore new problems. The capability of consultants to quickly assimilate complex information and devise innovative solutions encapsulates the core of the profession. More interestingly, these characteristics of consultants are unmatched next to the average applicant.
Compared to the average applicant (all industries), consultant applicants are:
more capable of learning
When it comes to cultural values, consultant applicants show a pronounced preference for international exposure and stimulation, rated 22% and 19% higher, respectively, than the average applicant's preferences. This indicates a clear inclination towards global engagement and a dynamic working environment, underscoring the global and fast-paced nature of the consulting world.
Consultant applicants find these values relatively important in organisational culture:
Compared to the average applicant.
international exposure